Learn self-hypnosis to help you meditate and sleep
better, faster and more consistently

Do you think there is a better way to have a better relationship with your mind?
  • Internal Chatter / Always on
    Brain is always being "busy".
    Monkey mind - chattering away - finding things to explore
  • Not always helping us
    Our subconscious is like a 4-year old. Adorable but incessant.. Shhhhh...
  • Sleep
    Struggling to fall or stay asleep - driving you crazy?
  • Need to Escape
    Bring control and space to your. life
Meditation is good for you - allowing the subconscious, non-thinking mind to rest, relax and find space
There is much support for meditation: retreats, mobile apps, recordings, guides, practice. We should 'meditate daily' and we may even set an intention to do so..

However... willpower fades… mind wanders... results vary

Hypnosis, both guided and self can help to focus attention, maintain regular practice, provide more effective meditation time and improve control over the monkey mind and, bypass willpower alone. Meditation is a practice - we keep getting better.
By using self-hypnosis we 'relax' faster, helping us practice better and, maybe even, sleep better
About HypnoMeditation
We teach a combination of self-hypnosis, neuroscience and breathing to help you relax, meditate and sleep better, faster and regularly
The science
Cognitive relaxation techniques and activating the parasympathetic nervous system help deliver strong mindfulness, mind-body connection and more consistent meditative/sleep states
  • Meditation
    "Being the observer. The quiet space between thought"

    The benefits of meditation are well researched.
  • Hypnosis
    "Quiet focussed attention on improving your life"

    Subconcious attention through guided and self directed language, positively framed and towards a desired outcome

  • Neuroscience
    The brain can create new connections and pathways. (Neuroplasticity)

    The power of the mind over the body (ie the Placebo effect)
    Belief & thought affects
    our emotional state and physical outcomes
  • Stress response
    Cognitive relaxation assists with stress and anxiety, improved sleep and, because of the connection between mind and body, we become more attuned to our mental and physical health
The Alpha-Theta border
Our brain waves have a frequency to them that help determine our depth of mind. From a hyper-alert 'flow like state (Gamma) to a deep unconscious sleep (Delta).
A common connection
Our brain waves have a frequency to them that help determine our depth of mind. From a hyper-alert 'flow like state (Gamma) to a deep unconscious sleep (Delta). The best results for meditation and hypnosis share a common effective range for brain wave frequency (known as the Alpha-Theta border)

Theta brainwaves occur most often in sleep but are also dominant in deep meditation. Theta is our gateway to learning, memory, and intuition. In theta, our senses are withdrawn from the external world and focused on signals originating from within. It is that twilight state which we normally only experience fleetingly as we wake or drift off to sleep. In theta we are in a dream; vivid imagery, intuition and information beyond our normal conscious awareness. It's also where we hold our 'stuff', fears, joys, history, beliefs (both good and bad).

Alpha brainwaves are dominant during quietly flowing thoughts, and in some meditative states. Alpha is 'the power of now', being here, in the present. Alpha is the resting state for the brain. Alpha waves aid overall mental coordination, calmness, alertness, mind/body integration and learning.
Workshop Process
The science, demonstration, mindset, script and process to 'Drop' into a relaxed meditative state.

Introduction to the science and the process

Guided HypnoMeditation

Be guided into your first session with practical steps and 'learn the sensation'

Learn the steps

Break each part down and practise it for yourself. Understand states, stages, process and the script.

Questions and Closing

Become comfortable with challenges and how to keep up the practice. Explore next steps

    "Powerful and concise. Non invasive yet allows you to go deeply, into a clarity of your own psyche"
    "Easier to get into the zone, quicker and with a quieter mind"
    "So I was sitting in the carwash and thought I would try the HypnoMeditation drop' technique your taught us. Wow - what an experience! Instantly quiet and sat in meditation for the entire time. Powerful and fast - thank you"
    "Reconnecting with the practice of meditation with some new novel techniques"
Gary Walker
Coach and trainer
I am passionate about all things Neuroscience. I have a Bachelors in Psychology, got my Master NLP certification and am a qualified HypnoTherapist. I have done hundreds of coaching sessions for clients and am forever curious about how to change our lives for the better
Register your interest
Our next workshop is May : Register to get details

Our Online course is nearly here!! Register your interest and we'll keep you updated
If you need to get in touch with us, send a note to hypnomed@mindft.com for more updates or details.
Hypnomeditation process and Hypnosis Scripts
If you have completed the course and want to download the process and script
Being curious & trying new things is how we grow...
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